Signup for Protection Pro Today!

Choose a Plan

Protection Free


/ 6months

Basic for Everyone:

100 badges

3 domains

Customizable Badges

Custom logos

DMCA Dashboard Access:

6 /months Content Theft Protection, WordPress Plugin, Blogger Plugin, other social media platforms and more

Protection Free


/ 2years

For creators, streamers, website owners:

100 + Premium Badges

10 domains

Digital Ink Signature

Custom logos

All Free features plus:

DIY Takedown Case Toolkit, 2 /years Content Theft Protection, 10 Tracked Badges IDs, Custom Creator Profile and more

Protection Free


/ 5years

For large sites, businesses, VIPs

badgeless (no-code required)

50 domains

Digital Ink Signature

Custom logos

All Pro features plus:

Embed code not required (no-badge protection), enhanced creator and owner profiles
Custom Logos
Max Sites/Domains
Custom Creator Profile
Digital Ink Signature
Protection Badges
100+ Premium Badges
code not required
Custom Protection Badges
Content Theft Protection
6 /months
2 /years
5 /years
Tracked Badges IDs
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